Patriotism has to be one of the most overrated qualities an individual can have. People in our society are proud to be patriotic proud to support their country even when the country doesn't deserve it. Patriotism in fact blinds you to the evil deeds your nation is committing right under your noses. Patriotism is a tool the government uses to stifle all dissent in fact there were a couple times in American history where dissent was illegal. From the Alien & Sedition Acts of John Adams to the Patriot Act of Bush the younger they made it the patriotic thing to violate the rights of others when it became convenient for the government to do so. It has come to the point that saying that we as a nation should not invade another nation and force our ideals on them at the point of a sword to be an Un-American act. We would cheer on when the rights of others were violated because it meant we were being patriotic. You know it gave you warm fuzzy feelings when you would wave those blood stained rags you call flags. You know you had that same feeling when your first gut reaction to any type of dissent was to scream and drown out the sound of their voice and not even consider that what they might have something to say worth listening to.
Patriot: the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about.
-Mark Twain
-Mark Twain