Anyway I was inspired today by a very judgmental Christian and after a bit of introspection I was left to the current mindset I am now. To every street preacher yelling out bible verses to an unattentive audience, to every preacher handing out edicts of hatred from their pulpit, to every protester hold signs espousing your hatred to homosexuals, to every evangelist who declares we are worthy of hell because we are the scum of the earth, I say this. Who are you to judge? Who are you to throw verses from your ancient text condemning people as though they are the ones who claimed to live by the text? Who are you to hypocritically shout verses about others supposed sins? You are in no place to judge the lives of anyone. To these people god has merely become a tool to support their agendas, their prejudices, and their argument. Whether god has ever been anything more than this is open for discussion however their is one thing that is not.
You are not a prophet of god you are no more qualified to portray the will of this deity than any other person with a thought on the matter. What would a god seeing this behaviour think? The god of nature, the god of an infinitely majestic universe.
Oh, and to the atheist secularist, or anyone who feels the need to reciprocate this hate; I have one question.