What is religions role in society? Should it be a basis for laws? Should the state enforce morality? If your answer to those questions are yes then that raises a whole new set of questions. What religion should dictate the official morality of our nation? Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism? Clearly if we want to legislate morality we must determine which religion's moral codes are objectively true because we shouldn't be expected to enforce something based on the judgement values of the individual. Can anyone's moral code be considered objective? After all we as humans do frequently disagree when it comes to morals.. If morals were objective then they would be a matter of fact and disagreement shouldn't be a problem. When it comes to objective fact disagreement doesn't exist. When was the last time you heard someone argue that a triangle has four sides? You haven't because people would point out that by definition a triangle has three sides and the person claiming a triangle has four sides would look like a total wanker. Now when individuals make judgement values on things like lying is the answer as clear as the number of sides on a triangle? Of course not when it comes to lying an individual must consider the circumstances around the lie and who is hurt because of the lie. Different individuals would judge the same situation in different ways. So because morality is based on the judgement values of the individual it is clear that morality should not dictate laws as it is not objective.
Ok now let us throw all reason aside and say that morality is now objective and Christianity is the dictator of all that is good. Now we are enforcing the moral laws of Christianity to the full extent of the bible. Now how can this coexist with the freedom of religion granted in the constitution? If you are enforcing the Christian morals you are violating their right to worship as they please when their morals directly contradict that of the Christian moral code. Also how does this coexist with the principle of free will often supported by Christians? If you are enforcing your moral code you are by your own theology negating God's gift of free will.
Thus you come to the conclusion that the only kind of state capable of freedom of religion and free will is a secular state.
Hello friends,
ReplyDeleteReligion is a set of beliefs made by the elders in a society to enforce the moral values necessary to preserve the society which exploits a belief and supernatural powers to enforce the rules. Thanks a lot...