Saturday, May 28, 2011

God's Forgiveness?

X.  Why do I need God's forgiveness? To enter his kingdom? To avoid eternal torment in his sadistic torture chamber? So you can be accepted by his hypocritical flan club? Ignore for the moment that the reasons listed are shameless attempts to manipulate the minds of the weak and a doubly shameful attempt to manipulate the mind of a child, it is absurd for anyone to ask for moral forgiveness from one of the most morally delinquent entities ever.

Yahweh is a hypocrite he commands you ask forgiveness for petty things like coveting and if you do not repent you will face eternity of torment in his torture chamber. But think of how absurd it truly absurd it is to ask forgiveness from this deity. Truly it is like Ted Haggard commanding you repent for your 'deviant' sexual activities it is beyond absurd... Now back to the example of coveting God commands that you never want anything you do not already have and to be content with what you have. Granted it is good advice and it will lead to a more content and happy life but look at who it is coming from. The Christian deity has committed this act he declares as a sin more than any person to ever live or ever to live. He has everything he could possibly want and has the ability to wave his magic wand and conjure anything he wants. But yet he covets something he can never have, your blind faith and obedience. He gets angry when he doesn't get this and he is extremely petty. He flooded the entire earth, committed genocide, and destroyed entire cities because of his vanity because they would not blindly follow. So why ask for his forgiveness when God himself breaks these rules that he himself supposedly made? For a perfect God his sins are very human.